Dedicated Divorce Lawyers Richmond Hill

Why Choose Us?

  • We are experienced and committed family lawyers

At Simple Divorce, we focus on family law matters. We advise and guide clients on matters such as separation, divorce, child custody/access, child support, and division of property.

  • We value our clients

The breakdown of a marriage or relationship can be emotionally draining. We hold your hand and help address the legal issues that arise as you focus on your healing.

  • We know the law

Family law is a complex area of law that requires experience and skill. Our Richmond Hill family lawyer comes with decades of experience in this field.

  • We offer customized solutions

We have experienced and dedicated Richmond Hill divorce lawyers & family lawyers to customize a solution that protects your interests. However complex your case is, we come fully prepared to fight for you.

  • We offer flexible payment options

At Simple Divorce, we reduce the financial frustrations that can build over time as you seek legal help by providing flexible payment options and affordable fees. Get a divorce lawyer at a price you can afford.

  • Free no-obligation consultation

We offer free no-obligation consultation via phone to better understand your unique relationship or family dynamic and advice on how you can move forward. We are committed to helping you no matter where you are.

  • Licensed divorce lawyers Richmond Hill

Whether it’s divorce, separation, equalization of family property or child custody matters, our Richmond Hill family and divorce lawyers have the skill to effectively advise and represent your interests.

  • We protect your interests

As family lawyers, we take the time to help you understand your legal rights and obligations. Our experienced lawyers will work to protect your interests and provide clarity on the legal options available for your particular situation.

Divorce Lawyer Richmond Hill

Are you involved in a serious legal battle with another family member? Taking the necessary legal action can feel like an incredibly emotionally overwhelming process. However, the faster you take legal action, the sooner you’ll be able to move forward with your new life. Speak to our family and divorce lawyer today.

At Simple Divorce, we understand that legal disputes involving family members can be emotionally difficult to pursue. However, hiring a Richmond Hill family lawyer to help you confront these issues head-on will help you address them and move on to the next phase of your life. If you need legal advice and guidance in areas such as divorce, separation, division of property, restraining orders and child custody/support, our qualified and compassionate team can help.

Agreeing on the terms of a divorce or separation can be extremely difficult. That’s why you need someone in your corner to protect your rights and fight for your best interests. In Ontario, you can only be granted a divorce if you have been separated for a year. The court can also grant a divorce based on other factors such as proving adultery or that one party has been subjected to physical or mental cruelty. A separation agreement is usually not a requirement but can be necessary, especially if you have children. You will need a divorce decree if you ever decide to re-marry.

Free Consultation

Divorce takes a toll on everyone – you, your spouse and the entire family, including your circle of friends. We can help protect your rights and those of your children in this difficult time. You need Richmond Hill family lawyers and divorce lawyers who understand what you are going through. Come to us for a free no-obligation phone consultation.

Divorce Lawyers Richmond Hill

Get compassionate, expert legal advice and save thousands in legal fees

Getting a divorce in Richmond Hill? Get the help of experienced family lawyers at Simple Divorce. We’ll save you time and money and ensure a smooth and stress-free separation. It’s simple, just contact our Richmond Hill divorce lawyer now.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce occurs when both spouses agree to end a marriage and are clear on the terms and conditions of their separation. Filing a simple divorce is often easier among couples with no kids, who don’t have property or assets to divide and can reach a clear agreement on how to split up their assets and debts. In some cases, an uncontested divorce occurs when one spouse wants to end the marriage, and the other doesn’t respond to the application. The court assumes that the spouse who hasn’t responded to the application is willing to go through the divorce and grants the application.

Why opt for an uncontested divorce?

It’s more beneficial for couples to sit down at the outset and discuss their issues instead of contesting the divorce. This saves them a great deal of time and money. Many times, the other spouse is willing to negotiate, and a lawyer can help ease the burden of managing these discussions singlehandedly. If both parties involved in the divorce or separation are unable to cooperate in making important decisions regarding support, children, or assets division, it may lead to a lengthy and costly trial process.

+ How we can help?

Contested Divorce Litigation

If the divorcing couple fails to agree on some important matters, this could result in a contested divorce. Contested divorces are often more complicated as they involve the court. Issues in the family dispute may involve children, assets and debts owed by the couple. This becomes a matter that needs to be resolved in court.

Some of the key reasons why a divorcing couple would contest the divorce include:

  • Spousal support disputes
  • Concealment of assets
  • Child custody and support matters
  • Abuse in the marriage
  • One spouse has unreasonable demands and refuses to compromise

Even though going for an uncontested divorce is usually faster, if a relationship was abusive or has some form of power disparity, it will not provide a fair advantage to the other spouse. Additionally, a family lawyer may recommend a contested divorce so that critical matters are not overlooked.

+ Steps involved in a contested divorce

Preparing for trial

Our Richmond Hill divorce lawyers and family lawyers will help you prepare statements to support any claims you or your spouse have raised before the court. If unable to resolve issues during the settlement phase, the couple may move to trial. You’ll need an experienced family lawyer to present strong closing arguments before the court, examine witnesses and fight for your interests. The contested divorce process is complex and often emotionally draining. Our lawyer will be on your side at this difficult time.

We come with the experience, knowledge, and compassion to vigorously represent your interests.

Separation Agreement

A separation agreement is a legally binding document that allows two people who were in a marriage or common-law relationship to live “separate and apart” prior to getting a divorce. The two spouses are not required to live in separate homes for it to be recognized as a legal separation. You can still be legally separated even if you live under the same roof. As family lawyers, we have worked with spouses helping them understand their rights and obligations amid their 1-year separation. We help prepare a separation agreement that is valid and covers the major issues that apply to your unique situation.

+ Why use a separation agreement?

When should you use a separation agreement?

Many couples will remain separated for years and only pursue a divorce when one of them seeks to re-marry. You don’t need a separation agreement in order to be legally separated or to pursue a divorce in Ontario. However, having a professionally drafted separation agreement can save you thousands in legal costs should your case go through the litigation process. At Simple Divorce, we believe that the process of legal separation doesn’t have to be adversarial or costly.

Foreign Divorce Opinion Letter

Have you been divorced outside of Canada? You will need a foreign divorce opinion letter to validate your divorce in Canada. Our Richmond Hill family lawyer can help you get a foreign divorce opinion letter that proves that your separation and divorce are recognized in Canada. An opinion letter is required if a spouse who wants to re-marry in Canada was divorced in another jurisdiction.

The Minister of Government Services who issues the opinion letter needs to ascertain that the divorce is legal in a foreign jurisdiction before you can be allowed to re-marry in Canada. This important document will enable you to obtain authorization to marry.

If you’ve met someone in Canada that you’d wish to settle down with, get a Richmond Hill family lawyer to help you complete this process before you make any arrangements to re-marry.

+ Is your foreign divorce valid in Canada?

Family Lawyer Richmond Hill

Ending a relationship or a marriage can be such a transitional time in your life. It’s not always easy to understand your legal rights and options when confronted with moments like these. Seeking proper legal representation from the onset can help you make more informed decisions. That is why you need an experienced family lawyer Richmond Hill Ontario. Our lawyers are always prepared to act on your behalf.

We utilize our decades of combined experience in family law to offer you solid guidance and advice throughout. We have handled complex family matters involving separation, divorce, child custody, child support, and division of property, always working to protect our clients’ interests. Our family lawyers are excellent at providing timely and necessary legal advice. You can call us to set up a free no-obligation consultation. We will discuss the options available and help you understand your legal rights and obligations. Get in touch today to get clarity on the best course of action to protect your rights after a divorce or separation.